Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Don't you love the first post on a brand new blog? You know what I'm talking about: The introductory post.

"Welcome to my new blog everybody!", "I don't know how often I'll write!", "Will anyone ever even read this blog?"


Lame, but necessary. I can't start on No. 2, after all.

So welcome to my new blog everybody. I don't know how often I'll write, or if anyone will ever even read this crazy blog, but I'm here to spew out words regardless.

This is a music blog, by the way. Here I will talk openly, as one man talketh with another, about good songs, bad songs, my favorite stuff and the stuff I want to ralph on.

My interests are pretty varied, so there should be something for everyone here. I'm hoping for some good comments, playful banter, suggestions, disagreement and free samples. Edible or otherwise.

And a steady advertising revenue would be nice. How about it, Apple?

Thanks for visiting (especially those who came over from Adam's Sports Blog, my firstborn blog), and come back often. Please add me to your google reader, or subscribe via other means. I'd love to brew up a good discussion.


Anonymous said...

please look at and write about Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers

they used to be known as The Refreshments

they are great

Anonymous said...

your red/black theme is very ute-ish